1. Dismantling and sorting
Cost-effective dismantling and sorting of ELV plastics at ATFs
2. Obtaining ELV recycled plastics
Obtaining ELV recycled plastics with improved properties
3.Validating the recycling
Validating the recycling open and closed loops

4. Industrial feasibility
Demonstrating industrial feasibility of new recycled materials & products
5. Ensuring the sustainability
Ensuring the sustainability of the new ELV management business model
6. Transferring the model
Replicating and transferring the model to other region & stakeholders

This project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union [LIFE17 ENV/ES/000438] Life programme
The website reflects only the author's view. The Commission is not responsible for any use thay may be made of the information it contains.Last update: 2022-01-31