What is „renewable carbon“? And what role does renewable carbon play in the transformation to a CO2 neutral economy? Renewable carbon entails all carbon sources that avoid or substitute the use of any additional fossil carbon from the geosphere. Accordingly, the recycled carbon circulates between the biosphere, atmosphere and technosphere. So, the fossil carbon remains in the geosphere, thus creating a complete circular economy
nova-institute believes in the “Renewable Carbon Strategy” as the future for a sustainable economy. Michael Carus, CEO of nova- states: „It is not CO2 that is at the core of the climate problem, but the additional fossil carbon that we take out of the ground and which gets released in the atmosphere as CO2 or other emissions. If the inflow is prevented, the CO2 content of the atmosphere will no longer increase. The Renewable Carbon Initiative addresses exactly this core problem: Focus on phasing out fossil resources and use renewable carbon instead! “
You will find all documents on the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) here (latest version of the paper on renewable carbon, list of personal supporters, poster, outline of RCI, information on the Core Advisory Board):
www.nova-cloud.info/index.php/s/n34kCSts37SrL6NIf you would also like to support the Renewable Carbon Initiative as personal supporter, please send your name, portrait picture and name of your company/organisation:
michael.carus@nova-institut.deIf your company is interested to join the advisory board, please also contact Michael Carus (CEO):
nova-Institut GmbH