Former Zeta Polimeri to become central recycling subsidiary
Radici (Bergamo, Italy; has changed the name of
Zeta Polimeri,
which it acquired in 2020, to
Radici EcoMaterials. With the extensive know-how of the subsidiary based in the Italian community of Buronzo, Radici said it wants to further develop sorting and recycling processes for waste fibres and fabrics, and produce recyclate that is close to the quality of primary material.
Polyamide fibre recycling in Buronzo (Photo: Radici)
According to a company spokesperson, Radici is investing in the site to both double capacity and improve product quality. The spokesperson did not provide details on the recycling capacity upon query.
â??We collect and recycle waste inside and outside the group,â? the companyâ??s president
Angelo Radici said, confirming the
initial concepts formulated by development director
Erico Spini and
Cesare Clausi, head of sales for the compounding division, during the K 2022 trade fair last October.
So far, the PA producer has predominantly been using waste from the fibre production of its affiliates. The company is now also increasingly utilising contacts in the textile industry to secure material. In this context, Clausi has also mentioned circular automotive models, but as yet no further details have been given.11.04.2023 [252558-0]