Technological watch

Amaplast collective at NPE 20124 with 19 Italian companies

(Foto OCCC) Italy in a protagonist role at NPE 2024, the leading North American plastics fair taking place on 6-10 May in Orlando, Florida. This fair has been the focus of particular attention because it regards the broad and strategic North American market and has not been held for six years after the 2021 fair was cancelled due to the Covid pandemic.

Of the 2,100 exhibitors in the halls of the Orange County Convention Center, at least 90 are Italian, exhibiting their latest solutions for the plastics industry either directly or through their branches in the United States. The collective coordinated by Amaplast (trade association in Confindustria of approximately 170 manufacturers of plastics and rubber machinery, equipment, and moulds) includes 19 Italian companies: Atf Automations, Bausano & Figli, BFM, BMB, Euroviti, Exact, Frigosystem, Icma San Giorgio, IPM, Isper, Itib Machinery International, Maca, Mixron, Omipa, Promeco, Rodolfo Comerio, Sara, Tecnomatic, Termostampi. The 700 sqm collective exhibition space is located in the main hall dedicated to machinery, the West Building-Level 2. The Amaplast stand (no. W630B) supports members of the association and showcases the internationalization services of this latter.

America is an important destination for Italian exports of plastics and rubber machinery. More specifically, North America is the second-largest macro-area for sales of Italian-made technology, absorbing a quarter of the total. And in that geographical area, the United States is the first market for Italian exporters, with a 2023 sales value in excess of 365 million euros (all-time record), growing by nearly six percentage points over 2022. The United States is thus, for the tenth year in a row, the number two outlet after Germany for Italian exports in the sector.

Furthermore, the US market is particularly demanding of cutting-edge technology for the production of added-value articles. It is no fluke that a significant share of Italian supplies to local manufacturers is represented by high-tech primary transformation systems, customized to customer specifications and designed with new functionalities. Naturally, they represent the Industry 4.0 standards complemented by services such as predictive maintenance, remote monitoring and servicing, data analytics, as well as alternative system supply modes, such as pay-for-use and leasing.

This is therefore a key appointment eagerly awaited by all attending Italian brands to describe all the know-how, quality, reliability, and circular-economy solutions that Italian-made systems are capable of demonstrating.

Publication date: 03/05/2024


This project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union [LIFE17 ENV/ES/000438] Life programme

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Last update: 2022-01-31