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FEP and Elipso collaborating more closely / Plastics under "extreme" pressure, says Emmanuel Guichard

FEP and Elipso collaborating more closely / Plastics under "extreme" pressure, says Emmanuel GuichardPlastics have been under heavy criticism for some time in France. Politics has responded with a national circular economy and recycling plan ? see of 24.05.2018 and 17.08.2018. For the association of plastics processors, Fédération de la Plasturgie et des Composites (FEP, Paris / France;, and the plastic packaging producers' organisation, Elipso (Paris;, this is a good reason to strengthen ties.
As a result, Elipso is becoming a member of the FEP, although further measures such as a merger are not planned, CEO Emmanuel Guichard told He said there is "extreme" pressure, especially from the media. Working more closely together, the organisations can then communicate in a concerted manner. Elipso will be responsible for issues pertaining to packaging, and the FEP for all other plastic-related topics.18.09.2018 [240660-0]

Publication date: 18/09/2018


This project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union [LIFE17 ENV/ES/000438] Life programme

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