Technological watch

Herbold Meckesheim’s post-event sales increase

Herbold Meckesheim has recorded a constant number of incoming orders following the IFAT 2022 event in Munich.

× Herbold Meckesheim

Herbold Meckesheim’s post-event sales increase The Germany-based special machinery manufacturer held numerous discussions during the event, and the projects discussed are now becoming a reality with almost 60 per cent of the resulting projects located outside Germany.

In addition to individual machine solutions, shredding technology, compactors, dryers and complete plastic washing lines are the main areas of interest. In the case of the latter, film and PET washing systems are in particularly high demand.

Herbold Meckesheim focused its trade fair presence around information on film and PET washing lines. The hot washing for polyolefins was one of the product innovations presented at IFAT 2022, where around 119,000 attendees visited during a period of five days. The central theme of IFAT 2022 was the circular economy and, accordingly, Herbold Meckesheim had participated largely in the VDMA Plastics Recycling Theme World, which illustrated circular economy and plastics recycling with exhibits, film clips and recyclates at the booth of the Association of German Machine Builders.


Publication date: 13/07/2022

European Plastic Product Manufacturer

This project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union [LIFE17 ENV/ES/000438] Life programme

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Last update: 2022-01-31